Sen jag fick min Lovley bird hatt på posten så har jag blivit lite besatt av hattar!
Eftersom jag till 90% har dåliga hårdagar så passar det ju bra också, dölja med nått snyggt. Som en vis man en gång sa, once you go hat you never go back! Därför har jag nu köpt en till. Fast denna var lite tråkig utan fint band så jag hottade upp den lite!
Hat remake -take your hat and sew a band that fit's perfectly around it. Then place out the feathers and glue them w super glue to the back of the ribbon. Hand stich your little decoration (im using a peace from an old earring) on the outside and place the band on your hat. Done!
Eftersom jag till 90% har dåliga hårdagar så passar det ju bra också, dölja med nått snyggt. Som en vis man en gång sa, once you go hat you never go back! Därför har jag nu köpt en till. Fast denna var lite tråkig utan fint band så jag hottade upp den lite!
Hat remake -take your hat and sew a band that fit's perfectly around it. Then place out the feathers and glue them w super glue to the back of the ribbon. Hand stich your little decoration (im using a peace from an old earring) on the outside and place the band on your hat. Done!
//Ever since I got my Lovley Bird hat i've been obsessed by hats. I have 90% bad hair days so its perfect w something beautiful to cover up with! A wise man once said Once you go hat you never go back, very true.
I bought this new hat resently but it was a little boring so I decided to up grade it a notch!